Tuesday 6 September 2011

The needy bunch

As I was sitting and chatting with my dear old hubby, I realized something disturbing. Every single one of his friends are needy in his own way. At one point I felt like a foster parent who has just adopted a 29 year old boy. this particular friend stayed with us for a week, but it felt like years. Driving and escorting him every where his little heart desired, feeding him, entertaining him. At one point I thought he is going to ask me to read him a story and tuck him into bed. Another member of the needy bunch phones him every second day, just to catch up, and men think us girls chit chat a lot. he is always driving some one some where, or picking up some one. It is quite entertaining watching this needy bunch going about their daily routine. At least they give me a good chuckle from time to time.

Monday 29 August 2011

Ocean of sadnes

Every thing reminds me of my dad today. I cant describe how much I miss him. My dad was such a great role model for me. He taught me every thing I know about exquisite cooking. He taught me the secrets of getting the most out of the earth and having a luscious garden. Through his actions he showed me compassion for all living things. He was the prime example of fairness. He was proud, strong and a fighter, right up to the very end. I wish Heaven had a telephone so I can just speak to him for a few minutes. I would tell him how much I love him and admire his courage. We would talk of the bush veld and all the adventures we had there. We would laugh and joke and just before we would say goodbye, he would look at me kindly and just smile. I couldn't have asked for a better dad. He contributed to the person I am today. My dad is my hero, and he will always be with me through the important lessons he taught me.

Mixed salad of my heart...

The juicy red tomatoes and crispy lettuce are mocking me as I toss them around in the salad bowl. They know the truth...... My soul is crying a river of tears with every bite. Starving for a well cooked meal. But for one reason I don't mind, I carry on just for you. Hoping and praying that one fine day you will look at me the same way as the first day we met. I long to be loved to feel your loving touch, your warm embrace. A thousand needles pierce through my already shattered heart each time you glance at another girl. Each time I wonder, who are you thinking of when you hold me in your arms. Have your thoughts abandoned me for her? Do you secretly wish you were holding her? I just want you to love me, I need you to love me! Can't you see that I am doing everything to be beautiful in your eyes. When Will I succeed?

Thursday 25 August 2011

As I sit and watch my students play, I realize how valuable life is. I am feeling a bit nostalgic and I am missing someone I
don't know or haven't even met yet. I want to cry every time one of my students tell me they love me or smile at me for no
apparent reason. Since I am with them eleven hours a day, I know them better than their own mothers. They say teaching is the
profession that teaches all other professions. Its more than that, it is molding our precious childrens' beautiful minds. Every word or action, positive or negative, has an influance on their character. I love to be able to watch them grow, see them run and climb,
Listen to their wild stories about dragons and butterflies. Each one of them are so special and unique in their own way. Thank You,
Lord, for the encouragement that comes from seeing my students' accomplishments.

Sunday 21 August 2011

After church.

As far as I know, every church gives one the opportunity to have some refreshments and mingle with your fellow church goers  after the sermon is over. Went to the local supermarket this morning just to quickly buy a couple of necessities for the house. Only it wasn't so quickly.  As I entered the store I was surrounded by big hats and suites. Our supermarket had transformed into a gathering place. They were every were, like a plaque of locust. In each isle there were small groups of big hats and suites huddling together making it virtually impossible to get pass them. I finally got what I came for and tried to budge my way to the pay point. I could smell freedom, getting away from the species who migrated from the church to the supermarket. I felt little less overwhelmed when I reached my car. Next time I'm bringing re-enforcement's, hubby is coming along!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Life on the farm...

Life on the farm definitely has a magical effect on ones soul. I spent most of the morning digging around in the garden while my hubby was at work. I created a small fish pond out of an old flowerpot. While I was hard at work our two dogs thought it was a brilliant idea catching and eating every creepy crawly they could get their little paws on. Every muscle in my body was aching when I was done. Although they smelt like beetle juice, the creepy crawlies did a great job tyring out the hyper active mudds. We fled to the cool grass in the shade of the thorn tree in our garden. We lay flat in our backs while the birds were singing in the trees. The squirrels had their own carnival jumping from treetop to treetop. a Hummingbird fluttered by to drink some of the sweet nectar of the blooming Iris. a monkey stopped by to take a piece of apple I had put out for the birds to eat, home as a take away. and in the distance you could hear the cry of an African guinefowl. Life is tranquil there on the farm.